Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday Thanks - My Wife

Of all the relationships that are special in your life, your spouse is the most special.  Because if you believe, as I do, that it was God's plan to bring you and your spouse together, it is a relationship blessed by heaven.

My wife Belinda is a very special woman.  I've never known someone with such a pure heart, strong work ethic, and selflessness. 
I am extremely thankful that God brought her to me.  I love her for the beauty of her soul (and she's physically beautiful as well, to boot!), and the fact that she has made me a better man.  Hopefully, I've helped make her a better woman.
Thank you, Belinda for loving me and being my best friend.  I love you!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Be Kind to Each Other

Words of Wisdom

I’ve collected great thoughts for many years, from many sources.  They inspire me, make me think, and brighten my day.  I hope they do the same for you.  Please leave comments or your favorite great thoughts in the comments section.

"The greatest thing a man can do for his heavenly Father is

to be kind to some of his other children."
- Henry Drummond
Mr. Drummond makes a good point - we need to be kind to everyone, because everyone is God's child.
Being kind to everyone does not mean that we have to go along with what they want to do.  Some people want to do bad things.  Nor does it mean we have to be friends with everyone.  What it means is that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, especially those that need extra kindness - the elderly, the handicapped, and our enemies.  You should never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.  God calls on us to be kind to everyone, but not to be a doormat to be run over and taken advantage of.  Your self-love and self-respect should see to it that you be treated appropriately and respectfully.
The greatest test of your kindness and patience is when you are called upon to be kind and respectful to those that are serving you - a waiter or waitress, a salesperson, a cashier, store employee, or the plumber, electrician, or air conditioning guy.  The fact that you are paying someone for a service does not give you the right to treat them badly.  Always respect anyone who works and is trying.
Being kind applies especially to your family.  Too often, we take each other for granted and sometimes treat those we love worse than we treat strangers.  As sad as it is to think about, one day we will all die, and if we lived our life according to God's laws, will with God's grace and forgiveness go to Heaven.  Let the memories your family have of you be memories of kindness and goodness, grace and respectfulness.  Make each other your best friends; be good role-models for each other and for your friends. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Video Vault

Monday Rant

There are some things that just have to be said – it could be because it makes you crazy, it’s a particularly helpful insight, or just a story you want to share.  I have plenty.  Here is one.  I welcome you to leave yours or your reaction in the comments section.

One of the best things about the internet is that I can get actual video when remembering things from my childhood and explaining the same to my wife and kids.
So without further unnecessary chatter, enjoy:

Carol Burnett's take on Snow White's "Happily Ever After"


And from something a BIT more recent...they say the best comedy is based on reality.  So very true!

 And finally one of the best marriages of song and video.  Dire Straits' "Walk of Life".


Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Questions

Reader Questions

On Fridays, I will answer any reader submitted questions that are appropriate and befitting a family friendly blog.  If you have a question you’d like me to answer, please leave it in the comments section.
Well, this is akward.  No one submitted a question.  Thanks for nothing Mom & Dad, my only loyal readers.
Just a reminder - I'll answer any appropriate, family friendly question.  It can be about current events, sports, politics, education - anything that is in good taste.  Feel free to leave a question in the comments section!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Greatest Gift

Giving Thanks

There are so many things to be thankful for, we sometimes take them for granted.  This is my way to make a conscious decision to more grateful.  As always, comments are welcome in the comments section.

Of course, the thing I'm most grateful for is the fact that Jesus Christ humbled himself and became one of us in order to die for us.  Just as human beings, Adam and Eve, were the ones that closed paradise to the human race, so another human, Jesus, would be the one to reopen paradise to us.  God loves us so much that he sacrificed his own son for the rest of us.  God's love and forgiveness gives me hope that someone even as wretched as I can one day spend eternity with Him in the glory of heaven.  Thank you Lord for your love, forgiveness, and the gift of your son , Jesus.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Next 3 Songs in Shuffle Mode

Monday Rant
There are some things that just have to be said – it could be because it makes you crazy, it’s a particularly helpful insight, or just a story you want to share.  I have plenty.  Here is one.  I welcome you to leave yours or your reaction in the comments section.

I love my Sony Walkman. And for no other reason than sheer curiosity (and I'm assuming you are curious), here are the next three songs playing in 'shuffle' mode:

1) Neil Diamond "Dry Your Eyes" from his "Beautiful Noise" album (1976). A great song from an awesome album, Neil Diamond was a staple in our home growing up as my older brother was a huge fan. Dry Your Eyes was performed by Neil Diamond with The Band in Martin Scorsese's film, The Last Waltz.

Best chart position: Did not chart/not released

Best line from the song:
"Right through the lightning and the thunder
to the dark side of the moon,
to that distant falling angel that descended much too soon"

2) R.E.M. "Shiny Happy People" from their "Out of Time" album (1991). A favorite in the college years, R.E.M. contributed many great songs to the soundtrack of an era.

Best chart position: #10 U.S.

Best line from the song:
"Everyone around, love them, love them
put it in your hands, take it, take it
There's no time to cry, happy, happy"

3) Van Halen "Jump" from their "MCMLXXXIV" album (1983). EXCELLENT! What else is there to say? Fun to sing along with, fun to (try and) dance to; it still makes me crank it up anytime it comes on. Van Halen at its commercial finest. For a time at NBA games, it was the theme song of the opening tip.

Best chart position: #1 (5 weeks) U.S.

Best line from the song:
"And I know, baby, just how you feel
You got to roll with the punches and get to what's real"

I hope you enjoyed this trip down the mp3 lane. Sing - it'll make you feel better!